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We are stronger together.

Helping Groups Of People Collectively Get Their Money Back After Investment Scams, Frauds, & Mis-selling

In some cases, you won’t be the only person to experience fraud or mis-selling by a specific organisation or financial advisor. In these instances, it might be worth joining a group action.

A group action claim is where several people – sometimes even thousands of people – have been affected by the same issue. A powerful method of obtaining redress, group action cases are also known as class actions, multi-claimant, or multi-party actions.

A group action allows people with the same type of claim to bring it together collectively to strengthen their overall position and make a defendant take the matter seriously. This group approach increases the claimants’ chances of settlement or success in litigation. However, just because your case is part of a group action doesn’t mean that you will receive the same amount of compensation as everyone else if successful. All claims are settled based on their merits, and you will receive what you are owed.

Current Group Actions

A specialist multi-claimant law firm, KP Law, has a wealth of experience helping groups of individuals or businesses to recover their losses on a collective basis. Our group claims can range from a small number of claimants to many thousands pursuing a common outcome.

In addition to our own legal know-how, where required, we also work with expert barristers to help us win our group action cases. So, we are confident that our team will get the results you deserve.